5 Ways You Can Improve the Interior of Your Home

Improving the interior of your home leads to a sense of fulfillment, increased happiness, and an improved lifestyle according to the National Association of Realtors Research Group. Here are 5 ways you can improve your home interior.

1. Paint and decorate

The quickest and easiest way to dramatically improve your home interior is to give it a fresh lick of paint. Removing old paint or varnish and replacing it with new transforms the look of your door frames, window frames, and staircase. Wallpaper can quickly look dated, so stripping it away and replacing it with more contemporary patterns modernizes the look of your home.

Choose neutral shades that appeal to you. Yellow is said to improve cheer while blue is associated with calm and serenity. Some people take inspiration from the places they have seen on vacation. Maybe terracotta tiles from Mexico used sparingly in the kitchen will remind you of quality family times.

Between your ceiling and wall tops, consider fixing crown molding. This inexpensive addition to your interior décor is extremely aesthetically pleasing. You only need to spend a few dollars to make your living room resemble a room from a Victorian mansion. Tasteful photographs and framed paintings also add class to your home. However, why not be a little different by choosing more unusual wall decorations, such as antique plates in the kitchen and maybe a sword or two in the den.

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2. Bring your home interior to life

In this modern age, it often seems like we are too removed from nature. Filling your home with beautiful houseplants is an easy way to bring the outside inside.The peace lily and the Chinese evergreen need little light to survive making them ideal, low maintenance houseplants.

Research has proved that houseplants reduce mold and dust in your home interior. Houseplant leaves act as natural filters to remove airborne particles such as allergens and volatile organic compounds. That’s great news if you suffer from allergies! Of course, there are plants that produce spores or pollen that cause problems for people with hay fever. A good plant nursery can guide you toward the best houseplants for your circumstances.

It is common knowledge that blooming flowers not only look beautiful, but they also lift people’s mood. In an overly dry home, spider plants can increase the humidity level for a more comfortable ambiance. You can even introduce an indoor herb garden to your kitchen that will produce useful plants for flavoring food and making household remedies for common complaints. For example, basil leaves steeped in hot water calms an upset stomach
and mint is a handy remedy for bloating and gas.

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3. Swap over interior fixtures

Once you’ve painted the walls and ceilings, why not update your outlet switch plates and light fixtures? Just by replacing the visible electrical components, you can give your home interior a modern look without the disruption of rewiring.

Also, swap out your doorknobs. New knobs on interior and cupboard doors can add a classic look to your whole home without making any major changes. However, make changes appropriate to your house. Antique knobs sometimes look silly inside new build homes while minimalist knobs are underwhelming in Victorian townhouses.

4. Bathroom improvements

Your bathroom can be where you rewind, soaking in a hot bath. However, nobody likes a dated bathroom with cracked tiles and moldy seals. You can improve your lifestyle with a few small improvements in your bathroom.

A tip when re-tiling your bathroom is that less is more. Choose one pack of elaborately patterned tiles that you like but use plain tiles in a neutral color for most of the wall space. Use the ornate tiles to create features around your bathroom. They will stand out more if you do this than they will if you overwhelm the vision with all fancy tiles.

Granite counter tops are ever more popular. They can be expensive, but clever homeowners look out for damaged counter tops where the damage aligns with the planned position of a sink basin. Swapping out the toilet seat, medicine cabinet, and faucets is inexpensive and transforms the look of your bathroom.

5. Kitchen improvements

When it comes to home improvements, remodeling your kitchen can be expensive. Kitchen cupboards and new appliances don’t come cheap. However, you don’t have to swap out everything to make your kitchen look sparkly.

Swapping out the most dated appliances will make a big difference. Mismatched appliances can give your kitchen an ugly look. Throw out the least expensive of the mismatched items and bring in a new appliance that matches the remaining old one. When choosing appliances, stick to neutral colors like white or stainless steel.

Replacing floor and wall tiles with fresh tiles in neutral colors will have a big impact. Changing cupboard doors can give the impression of a complete refit at a fraction of the cost. The aim is to make your kitchen look clean and modern.