Wall painting in Dubai

Transform your room with a coat of paint – wall painting services in Dubai will show you how it’s done! So go ahead, start browsing through the colour card, pick your favourite shade, and let the wall paint company take over from there. All you have to do is download the free HomeGenie app for Android and iOS and let the best wall paint company do all the dirty work. Book the team to visit at a date and time that suits your schedule. It’s as simple as that – a fully trained wall painting service team will come to your home, complete with the necessary tools required to get the job done.

They will prepare the painting area, place protective material in the room and over the floor and proceed to do sanding, hole filling, and crack filling. This is done to give your walls a smooth and finished look. The team will apply a minimum of two coats of paint, so you must arrange for a suitable quantity of your chosen shade. After your chosen color has been applied, the team does a post-service clean up too! It is important that you get your home painted over time by employing a wall painting company in Dubai – this helps keep your home neat and clean since cracks and holes are filled up and covered.

Your rooms will get a refreshed and new look, and painting at regular intervals also helps keep your property maintained and pest free. HomeGenie guarantees a good job at great prices – our teams know their job and are prompt, reliable, and professional; while our rates are competitive and affordable.

Though painting your home is a job that should be contemplated and carried out after some thought, should you feel impulsive and wish to paint a room or highlight a wall or two, HomeGenie can help you do just that. Try out our Emergency or Same Day facilities – our Emergency facility will have a wall painting company team working on your walls within 2 hours of your booking with us. This service is charged extra. Our Same Day facility will place a team at your home before 6 PM that day at no extra charge, provided you made the booking between 8 AM and 12 PM. Let your creative juices flow!